slm group

ASB Acquires 166,400-Square-Foot Industrial Building in Port of Savannah in $19 Million Joint Venture

OCTOBER 11, 2021 ASB Acquires 166,400-Square-Foot Industrial Building in Port…

brick building

ASB Sells Two Denver Office Buildings for $85.5 Million

OCTOBER 5, 2021 ASB Sells Two Denver Office Buildings for $85.5 Million…

Cader Lane Sonoma Industrial

ASB Real Estate Investments | COVID-19 Commentary | Industrial

OCTOBER 5, 2021 Industrial: Outperformance Expected to Continue The following…

water bottle warehouse

ASB-Cohen Asset Management Joint Venture Acquires Jersey City Warehouse for $21.7 Million

SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 ASB-Cohen Asset Management Joint Venture Acquires Jersey…

beige apartment interior

ASB Real Estate Investments | COVID-19 Commentary | Multifamily

SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 The Strong Rebound in Apartments The following report is…

two financial place

ASB and Lincoln Sell Two Financial Center Office Building for $210 Million

SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 ASB and Lincoln Sell Two Financial Center Office Building…

brick warehouse building

ASB Real Estate Investments | COVID-19 Commentary | Outlook for Commercial Property Markets

SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 Factors Improving the Outlook for Commercial Property…

self storage building

ASB-Arcland Joint Venture Acquires Eight-Building Mid-Atlantic Self-Storage Portfolio

SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 ASB-Arcland Joint Venture Acquires Eight-Building…